Mikel Arteta announces £60M star wants to sign big deal with Arsenal

Saliba was rated as the finest young defender in the French League last season – and has started the season in fine fashion – with his performances at the back helping Arsenal to the very top of the Premier League

Arsenal knows that there is a lot of interest in the player – and also know that interest will grow over the next few months as he continues to impress on a weekly basis – so are now eager to make sure that he signs a new deal.

And With his contract expiring in two years, the Premier League leaders want to tie him down for the foreseeable future as soon as possible and now Saliba has opened up and assured fans that Saliba wants to sign a new contract at the Emirates.

He said: “We have a few of those that we are willing to extend their contracts. Willy is one of them.

“I think he’s shown in the months that he’s been with us the quality and the personality that he has to play at the level that we want.

“We are trying to do that [extend his contract] because we know he can be a really important part of our plans.”

When asked if the contract talks are progressing well, Arteta said: “I hope so. That is more to Edu and the board to be discussing with him, but what I know is the players is really happy and really wants to be here, and that is the main thing.”

And if you believe the words of reporter Iomie Stanley – Saliba will now sign a new contract.

He told IcFootballnews: ‘Over the summer Saliba wanted to not return to the Emirates – he wanted to leave believing that he would not be given a chance at Arsenal’

‘But since his move back to the club he has been so impressive – he has been nothing short of brilliant for Arsenal – he really is going to be one of the best in his position.

‘He was worried that he would be sitting on the bench under Arteta – that he would be watching his career pass him bye – but guys – he now deserves that big contract.

‘Arsenal are heading in the right direction – they will have Champions League football next season – they will surely challenge for trophies this season and he wants to be part of the future.

‘His contract demands will be more than what Arsenal want to pay – but at the end of the day – doesn’t he deserve it?

‘There will always be speculation surrounding his future – but ai am sure that he is willing to sign a new contract – But it wont be until after the World Cup has finished’

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